Veelgestelde vragen


How do I place an order?

Do I need an account to place an order?

Will I be able to cancel my order after placing?

Can I add an extra item after I placed an order?

How much are the shipping costs?

How to find the right size?

Items disapear from my shopping cart, what can I do?

Do I recieve a confirmation of my order?

Can you let me know if an item is back in stock?

Payment Methods

How much discount codes can I use per order?

How do I pay my order?

How do I use a discount code?

In which currency can I pay?

In which currency will my order be charged?


How will my order be send?

When will my order be delivered?

Can I pick up my order?

Can I track the delivery of my order online?

What happens if I am not at home during the delivery of my order?

I have received a wrong item, what should I do?

What should I do when receiving a damaged product?

What should I do if my order is incomplete?


What is your return policy?

How do I return my order?

What is the return period?

What is the return address?

Do I need a proof of shipment?

Can I change my items instead of getting my money back?

Can I return multiple orders in a single package?

I lost the packing slip, what should I do?

Do you pay the shipping costs if I return my items?

How long will it take before you receive my return?

How will the purchase price be refunded?

How long will ik take before you refund the purchase price?


How do I create an account?

What can I do with my account?

I forgot my password, how do I reset?

How can I change my account information?

Can I create a wish list?

What can I do if I don’t receive any emails of Qini by Clark?

How do I unsubscribe to your newsletter?

I want to cancel my account, how do I do that?


What is a pre-order?

What is the delivery period of a pre-order?

Can I cancel my pre-order?


How can I file a complaint?


How can I reach you?

What are the opening hours?

Do you have a physical store?

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